July Newsletter

Welcome to the July newsletter. We hope you are enjoying some summer sun with friends and family! The holiday weekend is almost here so keep your local food pantries in mind while you’re doing your picnic shopping. If you see items that are buy-one-get-one free, consider donating your free item to your local food rescue. Shelf stable items like hot dog buns, pickles, ketchup & mustard, or s’mores ingredients, don’t seem like big luxuries, but they can really make someone’s backyard barbecue special. 

In the month of June, we received $10,481 worth of donations, in turn we donated $12,999 worth of dry goods and food, totaling an incredible 2,094 servings of nutritious and delicious whole foods and meals delivered to our community members experiencing hunger in Sussex County. Summer is typically a very difficult time for food rescues and pantries, so we sincerely thank our donors and volunteers for your help in making this such a successful month.

Have a happy & healthy 4th of July!

“The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens.”
– Former President Jimmy Carter

Get a look behind the scenes at
Longwood Gardens’ Composting Initiatives
Friday, July 19

Longwood began composting in the early 1990s.  Today, approximately 8,000 cubic yards of organic waste is processed annually on its five-acre composting facility and returned for use in the Gardens as mulch and compost to promote healthy soils.  Managing this site is an intensive process and special equipment is needed to turn the massive 6- by 10-foot rows of decomposing brown and green materials.  It’s estimated that composting saves between $50,000-$200,000 annually in landfill expenses.

Through its extensive recycling and composting operations, Longwood Gardens has dramatically reduced the volume of material it sends to landfill.  
In Longwood’s comprehensive compost facility materials are sorted and processed, including all recyclable materials used or generated by the Gardens, the Terrace Restaurant, and its guests.

Get a look behind the scenes at
Longwood Gardens’ Composting Initiatives
Friday, July 19
8 a.m. to approximately 9:30 a.m.
Spots limited.  No cost.  

The days around 4th of July are some of the busiest days of the year for animal shelters. The sights and sounds of spontaneous fireworks are fun for people, but can be scary for pets, livestock, and wildlife. Take the time to check that your pet’s microchip information is up to date to make it easier to reunite a lost family member and be extra aware of your surroundings on your way home from nighttime events. Drive safely!

Categories: News Updates


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